Jumat, April 02, 2010


my own eyes flew open..

i lay staring at the wall in my warm bed for several minutes,
trying to break free of the dream.

The sky outside my window turned gray and then pale pink while i waited for my heart to slow.

i still can remember the dream..

i still hear a voice..

The rhythm ..
it floated up the sky with the fragrance of a million flowers,so dazzling..

you call me in a low, calming tone..and i could not answer immediately,
lost as i was in the velvet folds of your voice.

it was the most perfect symphony,

a shymphony in one instrument..

and All i really saw was your face,
it filled my vision and overwhelmed my mind..

your eyes were a buttery and burn me,,
still..with the severe face in the depth of your emotion.

And then, as you met my awed gaze,,
you broke into a breath-taking smile of exultation..

my heart thudded audibly against my ribs,

and my breath seemed to get stuck in my throat.

i reminded myself to breathe..

and tried to comprehend,

although the film of tears blinding me,

because the beauty fact that this amazing person was loving me..in deep,,

and so do i..

and now..i was in my happy place..

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